Menstrual Cycle Tracker Digital Workbook Pre-Order


If you have my Menstrual Cycle Tracker freebie but are looking for a bit more of a deeper dive, you can pre-order the digital workbook for $5.99!

Pre-order Now

Inside you will find

  • a look at the four phases of the menstrual cycle

  • briefs on existing research related to menstrual cycles

  • current writings about the menstrual cycle and how it relates to understudied populations (like trans women and femmes, trans men, people on hormonal birth control, etc.)

  • the menstrual cycle tracker

  • mindmaps and word lists for supporting you in filling out the tracker

  • journaling prompts for each section of the tracker

  • activities to help you reach your goals related to hacking your menstrual cycle

  • creative prompts for you to explore your relationship to menstruation, cycles, and your body

  • a resources page for further exploration

This ebook will cost $8.99 but if you pre-order, you can get your copy for $5.99!